Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Smoking has become one of the most dangerous habits. However, in my opinion, although I feel that smoking is harmful in some ways, I believe that some people think the opposite way. I’m going to write about the positive side of smoking.

The first point I would like to make is that smoking helps people to relax because tobacco contains nicotine; for example smoking before an exam. The second point is it makes people feel bossy because they imagine that smoking is a royal way and most of the kings smoke. The next point is some people have many problems so they smoke to take the bad memory away or stop thinking of it. The last point is people feel it is improving their concentration at work or writing.

I think there are also many arguments that support the statement. I believe the main point is that smoking is extremely dangerous to health, For examples heart disease and cancer have both been linked to smoking and it is written on every packet of cigarettes. The second point is the smokers are affecting anybody sitting beside them too because passive smokers are breathing carbon dioxide with the smoke. The last point is the smoke can kill some helpful plants in the yard or at home.

In conclusion, I feel that the world would be a better place without tobacco or smoking. Some places, like restaurants, malls or homes should have healthy air without any smoke.

245 words

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