Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Smoking has become one of the most dangerous habits. However, in my opinion, although I feel that smoking is harmful in some ways, I believe that some people think the opposite way. I’m going to write about the positive side of smoking.

The first point I would like to make is that smoking helps people to relax because tobacco contains nicotine; for example smoking before an exam. The second point is it makes people feel bossy because they imagine that smoking is a royal way and most of the kings smoke. The next point is some people have many problems so they smoke to take the bad memory away or stop thinking of it. The last point is people feel it is improving their concentration at work or writing.

I think there are also many arguments that support the statement. I believe the main point is that smoking is extremely dangerous to health, For examples heart disease and cancer have both been linked to smoking and it is written on every packet of cigarettes. The second point is the smokers are affecting anybody sitting beside them too because passive smokers are breathing carbon dioxide with the smoke. The last point is the smoke can kill some helpful plants in the yard or at home.

In conclusion, I feel that the world would be a better place without tobacco or smoking. Some places, like restaurants, malls or homes should have healthy air without any smoke.

245 words

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Line Graph: Population Growth, 1750-2150

The graph shows the population growth in richer and poorer countries between 1750 and 2150; it can be clearly seen that growth shot up between 1950 and 2050.

In 1750 up to 1900 the population of the world was stable; in 1900 to 1950 was the beginning of the quickes growth of population. In 2000 the population of the world reached 6.1 billion or three times what it was in 1950. The population of the world will be between 8 and 10 billion in 2050 and the population between 2100 and 2150 is predicted to be over 10 billion.

In conclusion we can see that the population of the world is still growing and growing and the sharpest increase in the graph is between 1950 and 2050. Then it is estimated to grow more slowly.

139 words

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Line Graph

Three African Cities

The line graph gives information about the average monthly temperatures in three African cities - Mombasa, Cairo, and Cape Town. Each city has its own different climate, with very different characteristics.

The hottest place shown on the graph is Cairo. In July and August, average temperatures rise to over 80º Fahrenheit. However, Cairo also has the biggest variation in climate.Temperatures drop to as low as 55 degrees in Cairo’s winter, during January and February. This is equal to Cape Town’s lowest temperature in July. In fact Cairo and Cape Town are almost opposites in temperature. Cairo is hottest when Cape Town is coldest.

Cape Town does not have the range that Cairo has. Its maximum temperature is 70º F from November to February, after which it drops gradually to about 55 degrees in its winter. In contrast to Cairo or Cape Town,

Mombasa is warm all year round. Its temperature fluctuates very little, ranging from a low of 75 to a maximum of 83 in March.

In conclusion, location is very important in deciding climate. When it is winter in Cairo, it is summer in Cape Town, but Mombasa, being tropical, is warm all year round.

196 words

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reflection 3

In this semester 2 I wrote two types of essays. The first essays are about description of graphs and the second about problem & solution.

In the graphs, we began with single pie charts, writing from two pies charts of Valentine's Day gifts.  I went on to bar charts. Lastly I looked at information of tables for hurricanes and tornadoes.

I followed a simple three paragraphs construction. I described the information in the graphs, charts, tables. I wrote the growth of Lagos in the city agglomerations chart.

            In the problem and solution essays, I used a four paragraph construction. I stated the problem, and then I gave 4 to 5 causes of the problem and 4 to 5 possible solutions. In the concluding paragraph, I wrote the most viable solutions.

130 words

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hurricanes and Tornadoes

The table shows the differences between hurricanes and tornadoes by seven features.
            The minimum wind speed of hurricanes is 74mph and 40 mph for tornadoes. The maximum wind speed of the most severe storms of hurricanes is between 155 and 200 mph, but between 250 and 300 mph for tornadoes. The classification scale is the Saffier, Simpson C1 and C5 for hurricanes and the Fujita F0 and F5 for tornadoes. The hurricanes take 1 week on average but only a few minutes to a few hours for tornadoes. The average width of hurricanes is 300 miles but only 100 to 1.5 km wide for tornadoes. The hurricanes last from 2 to 3 days but 20 minutes maximum for tornadoes. The hurricanes starts over warm oceans but tornadoes start usually over land.
            The table shows that hurricanes are not stronger than tornadoes but hurricanes last longer than tornadoes. Hurricanes start over oceans but tornadoes start over land.

156 words