Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Causes and Solution of Abu Dhabi traffic congestion

There are many things causing traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi. The first cause of traffic congestion is the growing population or number of cars per householder. Secondly economic development like oil makes the area busy with big buses and pickup trucks. Thirdly the construction boom makes heavy traffic especially if wide roads take you direct to a small one. Next uneducated drivers or young drivers cause accidents because they don’t know what to do and may forget the rules of driving and add to congestion. After that the lack of parking makes the people crazy searching for a place to park. Finally the concentration of firms or colleges in one area leads to congestion.

There are many solutions for traffic problems in Abu Dhabi. The first solution is improving the existing system like skyline or subway. Secondly, we can try limiting the number of cars per household or use a staggered hour system. Thirdly, better planning or better education would help, as would more fines and restrictions or better public transport. Finally, relocate the colleges, firms or other buildings far away from the traffic area or paid parking.

            In conclusion there are many solutions for the traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi but the most viable solution for the traffic is improving the existing system, like building sky line or subways, to make the driving in cities smoother.

247 words

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