Monday, November 22, 2010

orange juice

The orange juice is popular and rich in vitamins and minerals. I’m going to write step by step how orange juice is made.
Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from trucks and graded by employees. Secondly, the oranges are washed deeply and sized by machine. Thirdly, the juice is extracted and the peel sent as waste to animal feed and the orange juice is evaporated at high temperature for a short time. After that, the orange juice is concentrated, refrigerated and stored to keep it fresh. Next, the juice is canned by machine and shipped. Finally, the concentrate is evaporated juice. The humans can’t drink it because it is very acidic so water is added to the concentrated juice and sold in the markets.
Most of the people like fresh juice so this is how they make the orange juice and it is the best way to get fresh and tasty juice.

151 words

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