Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to change a tyre

Changing a flat tyre is something you have to do when you get a flat tyre in the city or out on the high way. It is very easy to change a tyre if you follow the procedure.
Firstly, the car is parked at the side of the road. Secondly, the nuts are loosened. Then the car is jacked up. After that the nuts are removed. Next the tyre is removed and the spare wheel is put on. Then the nuts are tightened and the car is lowered. The nuts are tightened and the tools are put away. Finally, the car is driven.
As you can see changing a tyre is very simple if you follow the steps above. Enjoy your driving.

117 words

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A journey from Brunei to Sarawak

Hedley, with his wife and daughter went to the Niah caves in Sarawak They are located on the east of Malaysia. They traveled by many ways and saw a lot of things.

They story started from Bandar Seri Begawan, and they drove to the border with Sarawak. They crossed Beleit River by ferry, so they took the lunch in Miri then moved to Niah, a small township. They saw a boy wearing pajamas, and then they hired a small boat and sailed to a government rest house, where they stayed the night. They ate with a group of scientists and shared the drinks with them. It was dark deep in the jungle and they slept without air conditioner.
On the second day morning they walked a half an hour in the jungle until they reached the Niah caves. It was bad, smelly and dark with a lot of birds and bats but inside the cave they saw people climbing the bamboo poles and wearing helmets with a light; then they scraped off birds’ nests from the roof and packed them into sacks. This nest is used as soup for the Chinese.

Finally they said goodbye to their new friends in the rest house and went on the long drive home; it was an adventure, a new experience and an unforgettable time.
227 words

Monday, December 13, 2010


  1. Geography.
  2. History.
  3. Chemistry.
  4. Biology.
  5. Physics.
  6. Math (US) Math (UK) Mathematics.
  7. Engineering.
  8. Mechanical.
  9. Homesickness / Missed his home / Family.
  10. Favourite subject.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Celebrated National day

This weekend I celebrated national day in Khorfakkan and it was a three day holiday and I joined a car show and swam in the spring water and I went camping.

On day 1 of the holiday. I took my old car for show on the end of Khorfakkan Corniche. It was great and I was surprised that more than 200 cars joined the show and I took the lunch and the dinner together with the teams. On day 2 of the holiday, I went to the waterfall and it is located in Wadi Alwarrayah area and I swam in the spring water for 2 hours. I felt good after the bath so then I climbed a high mountain together with my friends and it took us around 2 and a half hours. It was tiring but finally we saw the beauty of the aerial view. On the last day, I joined together with my family, camping near to the sea but the weather was freezing and the temperature reached 14°c. By the way I rode a motor bike and I cooked food by charcoal and it was tasty.

My holiday was brilliant but it was tiring and busy with climbing, driving, cooking and swimming

206 Words

Monday, November 22, 2010

orange juice

The orange juice is popular and rich in vitamins and minerals. I’m going to write step by step how orange juice is made.
Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from trucks and graded by employees. Secondly, the oranges are washed deeply and sized by machine. Thirdly, the juice is extracted and the peel sent as waste to animal feed and the orange juice is evaporated at high temperature for a short time. After that, the orange juice is concentrated, refrigerated and stored to keep it fresh. Next, the juice is canned by machine and shipped. Finally, the concentrate is evaporated juice. The humans can’t drink it because it is very acidic so water is added to the concentrated juice and sold in the markets.
Most of the people like fresh juice so this is how they make the orange juice and it is the best way to get fresh and tasty juice.

151 words

Monday, November 8, 2010

The matching of synonym 1


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Reflection 2

We write four paragraphs for Compare & Contrast

1) Introduction: write 3 or 4 things you are going to compare and contrast.

2) Write a comparison of the similarities: at least 3 or 4.

3) Writea comparison of the differences: at least 3 or 4.

4) Say whether the differences outweigh the similarities, or vice versa.

Write which you prefer, or look at the merits/demerits of both. For example, with a small
town or village /very big city, say what you like about each. You can be positive about both, you don't have to be negative.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Compare and contrast living in a small town with living in a big city

Nowadays some people prefer to live in a city but others prefer to live in a small town. The city has big buildings and great facilities but the small town is a silent and simple life with fresh food and it is in a remote area. This essay will find out the better place to live.

            There are many similarities of living in a city and a small town. Firstly, both have shops so you can buy anything you want. Secondly, both have facilities such as electricity and water supply. Thirdly, both have clinics and schools so they can treat people and educate them. Fourthly, both have places to have fun such as parks, mountains and clubs. Finally, both have garages to repair their vehicles.

            There are a lot of differences between a city and a small town. Firstly, the population in the city is more than the population in a small town. Secondly the city is noisy but the small town is quiet and good for holidays. Thirdly, the city has modern transportation such as trains and luxury cars but a small town has old cars. Fourthly, the city has more facilities than a small town such as cinemas and malls but a small town has not. The jobs in the city are better paid.

            In my opinion the life in the city is better than life in a small town because you can have great life facilities and a good education and more fun than living in the small town.

269 words

Monday, October 4, 2010

Compare and contrast

There are a lot of similarities and differences between the life now and in the past. My essay is about comparing and contrasting the life in the UAE now and 40 years ago.

There are many similarities. Firstly the weather is still hot and humid the same as in the past and many people are trying to survive and to feel good. Secondly the religion is Islam and has never changed. After that the traditional dress is almost the same as dishdasha and guttra and it helps them a lot to reflect the sun and to keep the heat away. Finally football is still the favorite sport for most of the people.

There are so many differences. Firstly the population has tripled in the past 40 years. Second they have modern transportation such as trains and fast cars. After that, the buildings have become bigger and taller than the old buildings. Finally the roads are wider and much longer and made of asphalt.

Some people like the old life and the others love the modern life but I prefer the modern life because it makes my life easy, busy and with the latest technology.

198 words

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Mr Hedley told me how to write an essay. The essay needs to be 3 paragraphs.

The first paragraph is the introduction and it's 25 to 30 words. The second paragraph is the main or the body and has imperatives and it's approximately 100 words. Finally, the conclusion is approximately 25 to 30 words

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to make a butter

Most of the people used to make the butter by hand and it may seem the homemade butter is more tasty. I’m going to write the steps of how to make the handmade butter.

First of all, you need to check the fresh milk quality and content, like from where the milk comes from and the date of expiry. Second, leave the milk to be cool then seporate the cream and churn it. After that drain the buttermilk from the butter so you can place the butter in a jar. Next, wash the butter with cold water to remove the remaining butter milk and add a small amount of salt for flavour. Finally, cut and wrap the butter and store it in a fridge.

As you can see home made butter is easy to make and you get the flavour you want and it is enjoyable but you need to follow all the steps.

155 words

How to book for a holiday

     People often feel tired of the same routine from work to home and it may seem taking a holiday is the best choice to refresh their mind.

     First you need to sit a few hours to find the nice place to travel so if you like the nature life you have to take an Asian ticket but if you would like the classic life London is a good choice too. Second you need to check for a cheap and perfect flight ticket to where you need to travel. The flight even can make you feel better like if you choose a direct flight rather than transit. Then you have to prepare your travelling bag and don’t forget the passport, clothing, watches, shoes, money and the tooth paste. Finally you can buy the ticket and be ready for the sweet and nice holiday.

     As we have seen, it is easy to book for a holiday. You will be jumping with joy because finally you are going to take a holiday and refresh your mind from the work.

175 words