Sunday, May 15, 2011

Argument essay: Capital punishment

The death punishment is a very controversial issue. Many people have different opinions about how a criminal should be punished. I’m going to write an argument essay.

There are many different reasons for the death penalty. The following are the most frequently cited arguments for the death penalty. Some believe that those who kill deserve to die. When someone takes another person's life, they forfeit or sacrifice their own right to live. Murder is one of the worst crimes a person can commit and it deserves the worst penalty. The death penalty is the greatest deterrent to murder. If people know that they will be punished by death, they will be less likely to commit crimes and kill.

There are many different reasons against the death penalty which are just as strong. Two wrongs do not make a right. How many times have children heard that from their parents? Adults should follow their own advice. Murder is murder and it is wrong no matter what, even if it is legal. In the civilized society that we live in, is the notion of "an eye for an eye" acceptable? Should the punishment for a rape, be another rape? Or for arson, should we burn down their house? One of the government's jobs is to protect its citizens, but there are other ways to do it without killing.

In this essay there are many reasons pro and con but in my opinion the best way is capital punishment for the serious crimes, jail for the rest.

276 words

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Table of 5 cities for underground train system

The table shows 5 cities regarding the underground train system compared by opening date, length and the passengers in 2010.

London is the oldest, opened in 1863, Paris opened in 1900, Tokyo opened in 1927 and Kyoto opened in 1981, but the newest train system is in Boston, opened in 2001. London has the longest train system underground and it is 394 km, Paris has 199 km, Tokyo has 155 km, Boston has 28 km, but the shortest one is Kyoto. The highest numbers of passengers are in Tokyo and it has 192 million of passengers; Paris has 189 million passengers, London has 77 million passengers, Boston has 50 million passengers, but the lowest numbers of passengers are in Koto and it is 45 million.

The table shows that London has the oldest and the longest underground train system, but Kyoto has the shortest and the smallest number of passengers. Boston has the newest train system and Tokyo has the highest number of passengers.

164 words